
Checklist for release a new version

  1. Update the

    1. Move all notes from Unreleased section to a new one with version and date.
    2. Copy and update(!) the diff link for the specified version and the Unreleaed too.
  2. Update version in wscheck/ file

  3. Run tests with CI

    1. Push changes of devel to remote
    2. wait for the results of CI
  4. Check the package building

    1. Remove up the build directory
    2. Build a package with build
    3. Check the package contains in the new build directory
  5. If all tests are green, lets merge

    1. Merge devel branch with --no-ff
    2. Tag the merge patch
    3. Push them all
  6. Publish

    1. Check do you are on the tagged patch
    2. Build and upload package to pypi with release
    3. Update tag description on GitHub